Executive Mining and Productions-Inc

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We are recruiting! Our corporation has the resources in place for long term development. New players, feel free to join and enjoy Eve more, learn from us instead of reading webpages and manuals! We are open to all, and we support eachother. Please contact us with any questions you have.

Membership Benefits:

**ISK Bonuses
**Ship Parts
**Resources & Connections
**Become a better EVE player
**Fun time, better than being a loner!

Membership Requirements:

**Accepting All Pilots
**Must be motivated/dedicated
**Previous corp history will be checked
**Trial accounts are welcomed, will have limited access (Security Measure)
**Come fill out an application at our CorpHQ: Vuorrassi VI - Moon 2 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support

Questions? Click Below:
Founder & CEO: Kraftus Amaral
Director: Meister75th